Holy Crap I Survived 2017

So we are two months in to 2018 and it still hasn't sank in. Every year I come up with a New Year's resolution and this year was no different.  Instead of making a general, I want to lose 50lbs resolution,  I decided to make a more broad goal.  This year I decided to just work on making myself a happier healthier version of me. 

I always get tons of compliments about my meals that I post pictures of and as much as I'd love to say that I was doing great nutritionally, but that just wasn't the case.  I was struggling.  2017 was a very tough year for me.  I went through so many changes in a matter of nine months and my body and mental health took a huge hit.  I gained back all the physical weight I had lost in the years prior along with a ton of mental baggage to boot.

I would struggle through every day.  I was depressed and anxious and I turned to my best comfort, food.  After months of pushing my feelings aside, I finally decided it was time to get some help.  It was a hard thing to admit it and an even more difficult thing to follow through and do it.  With the help and support of some very close people to me, I called my doctor and set up an appointment.  I was finally able to let out my feelings and ask for help.

My doctor, well she's a nurse practitioner, was great! She listened to my concerns and offered guidance and support.  I was started on a new medication that I was hopeful would get me out of my fog.  I tried this medication for about 6 weeks.  As much as I want to brag and say it was exactly what I needed I can't.  I didn't have horrible side effects from it but the biggest side effects I had were exhaustion and insomnia.  I was tired all the time.  I also was up for 2-3 hours a night.

In February I emailed my NP and she was able to give me a game plan for switching my medications.  I am now two weeks into my new one and feeling pretty good.  There are a few side effects like mild insomnia, but it's helping more than hurting me and they are supposed to subside the longer I'm on it.  I can now get through my days and I'm finally ready to better myself.  I started to workout again at home and am on my third day in a row of working out and eating better.

Will this be the cure all med that helps me for life, who knows.  I will take it one day at a time and see where it goes. All I know is I'm not settling.  I will improve and it will get better!

Speaking out about my mental and physical health has always been a difficult thing for me.  I'm very much an introvert and suck at expressing myself.  That is where writing and blogging has helped me in the past.

So here goes nothing, here's to sharing my journey with whoever feels like following and hopefully being an inspiration to those who suffer as I do.  Struggles with mental health aren't anything to be ashamed of.  It's more common than you'd think and if this so much as helps one person then I'm glad I shared my story.  Also I'm still getting over the fact that, holy crap I survived 2017!
