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Holy Crap I Survived 2017

So we are two months in to 2018 and it still hasn't sank in. Every year I come up with a New Year's resolution and this year was no different.  Instead of making a general, I want to lose 50lbs resolution,  I decided to make a more broad goal.  This year I decided to just work on making myself a happier healthier version of me.  I always get tons of compliments about my meals that I post pictures of and as much as I'd love to say that I was doing great nutritionally, but that just wasn't the case.  I was struggling.  2017 was a very tough year for me.  I went through so many changes in a matter of nine months and my body and mental health took a huge hit.  I gained back all the physical weight I had lost in the years prior along with a ton of mental baggage to boot. I would struggle through every day.  I was depressed and anxious and I turned to my best comfort, food.  After months of pushing my feelings aside, I finally decided it was time to get some help.  It was

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